Calculating Charity Donations

Using the price configuration screen in the Star Shoutout Studio App


Last Update год назад

During the price configuration process within the Star Shoutout Studio app, a slider is available to divide the price per shoutout from 0% to 100% in increments of 10% which are then used to calculate the donation amount. The donation amount is based on the NET income received after the Star Shoutout split and or platform fees. 

For Example:

Shoutout Price: $100

Star Shoutout Fee: $25

Net to Star: $75

Charity Donation: 50%

Charity Receives: $37.50

Star Receives: 37.50

The dollar value showing in the price configuration screen represents the total amount that will go to the Charity based on the selected % split. Once the configuration is set and saved, each time a shoutout is sold, the transaction ledger will record the amounts to be distributed to the Charity. 

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